Choose reusable nappies
by John Robinson; first published 3-May-2024

In the 1950s reusable nappies were the norm - Stan Robinson
The average Havering baby will have their nappy changed about 5000 times. If disposable nappies are used, that's a whopping 800kg of nappy waste - all created by just one child!
Havering Friends of the Earth has always championed Reuse (one of the Five Rs), so we were pleased to hear that 22-28 April was Reusable Nappy Week! This international event, originally called Real Nappy Week and now in its 28th year, aims to raise awareness of the benefits of reusable nappies over disposables. We're grateful to Havering Council for providing background information for this article.
Many new parents are concerned about the damage we are causing to our environment, which will affect their new born child as he/she grows into adulthood. Using cloth nappies would be a small, but meaningful step towards reducing that damage. They can provide chemical- and plastic-free alternatives, offering a choice of natural materials which are kinder to the skin.
There's a wide variety to choose from. Traditional terry nappies need folding to fit, but are very cost-effective. More modern ones are elasticated and look more like a disposable, with funky patterns and designs. They cost a bit more, but can be used again and again. Parents who switch over from disposables in the early stages of parenthood could save up to £500 - even more if the same reusable nappies are used on subsequent children.
Of course, not everyone relishes the thought of laundering nappies at home. It's not so bad if you store them sensibly, and do a cold rinse before the machine wash. A halfway house to full reuse is to use a disposable paper liner with a washable nappy - still better than completely disposables. There are also specialised laundry services, which offer collection of used nappies and delivery of replacements cleaned to NHS standards.
There's a wealth of advice on all aspects of the subject, at the Reusable Nappy Week website. Also, Havering mums, dads, carers and parents-to-be can apply for a free reusable trial nappy pack worth over £30. You need to live in Havering, with a child under 18 months old, or to be expecting a baby (supply your Maternity Certificate, form MAT B1). Apply online at or pick up a leaflet/application form at your nearest library.