Parks & Green Spaces
by Jill Luff; first published 4-Nov-2022

Tree in a park - Jill Luff
A while ago I wrote an article for Havering Friends of the Earth (HFoE) on Health and Wellness. I outlined the importance of immersing ourselves, family and friends inside the green heart of Havering and feeling the benefits. The whole community should be able to enjoy the freedom of using all the green spaces within traditional parks, country parks, nature reserves and restful areas. Here is an irresistible offer to spend time with family and friends, have fun and learn about our environment.
Why not strike up a conversation with someone you don't know? Smile at people as you pass them and through small acts of community kindness we can ensure Havering becomes an inclusive place to live. Children easily make new friends when playing in parks and often their high spirits and laughter can be heard especially when you are passing the children's play areas. In many parks sports groups meet and young children are encouraged to take part in team games. Valuable lessons in communication are learnt and beneficial exercise undertaken.
There are play equipment areas, outdoor gyms, areas of discovery and historical interest, enjoying walking the dog and peaceful pockets. Many adult fitness/running, and yoga groups meet in these spaces and all benefit both physically and mentally.
We at Havering Friends of the Earth are grateful to all guardians who help to maintain and bring enjoyment to green spaces: the parks department and ground maintenance workers for sporting and activity sessions; members of the "friends of parks" groups whose voluntary work keeps our environment full of colourful planting, and increases biodiversity. Dedicated conservationists from many different working and pressure groups who help to preserve the diversity of nature e.g. birds, insects, bees, by leaving areas to grow wild for all to enjoy and learn about wildlife.
I would urge residents in Havering to take time to see and experience all these wonderful gifts. There are, no doubt, some ways in which our green spaces could be improved. Please remember to report any concerns to the council, friends groups or HFoE to ensure the standard of our green spaces remains high.