Progress on environmental issues
by Ian Pirie; first published 10-Jun-2022

Franks Wood, Cranham - Peter Caton
It seems incredible that it was all of 50 years ago when the first international conference on the environment took place. The 1972 Stockholm Conference recognised that there was a need to understand the links between economic growth, pollution and human wellbeing.
Friends of the Earth had started the year before, and one of their most memorable slogans was "think globally, act locally". One of the first actions taken by the organisation was to protest at the wasteful practice of selling drinks in non-returnable glass bottles - now we have a new problem in the form of plastic!
Sadly, not much progress has been made at a global level. Global warming is happening faster than at any point for a million years of Earth's history, and a million species are facing extinction.
But we can still play our part at a local level, and in our articles we have suggested a number of things we can all do: remember the 5 Rs (refuse, reduce, re-use, repair, recycle); avoid using chemical weed-killers and plant nectar-rich flowers; re-wild at least part of your garden; support tree-planting schemes; visit and support local woodlands like the one in the photo; walk and cycle rather than use your car.
Havering FoE are in fact optimistic about the local situation,for a number of reasons. We know that many local people are concerned about the environment, and we are now part of a climate coalition that is working with the council to promote measures to protect and improve the environment in Havering. As part of the coalition we have helped set up an online green hub, for local people to join in the conversation. We will be organising regular green forum meetings to discuss action with the council.
We were encouraged by the fact that both the Havering Residents' Association and the local Labour Party responded positively to the questions on the environment that we sent to candidates before the recent local elections, and we are pleased that they are forming the new administration in Havering. We will hold them to their commitments!